Episode 34 - Nazis and Gandhi and The Importance of Knowing Who You Are

Nazis march with torches and the world is upside down. We’ve been here before and we try to figure out what to do about that kind of thing. How do we learn from our history, how do we move forward, and do we even try to look inside for the icky darkness in ourselves?

As we continue on our every day, and to look at our own place in all of this, please also listen to and amplify the voices of people of color and others. 

I found this article and its links helpful: White Feelings for Charlotte.

Read more about Black Lives Matter here

Episode 20 - Practice: Tools of the Trade

In this little missive to you, my dear listeners, we introduce a new idea, "Yoga For the Revolution: Practice." These episodes will skip the news of the day, and dive right in to the practice. So next time you want to cut out the chit chat and just get down to the breath or to the meditation, look for any episode with "practice" in the title.

Episode 19 - Slackers, Mania and Self-Actualization

In this episode we discuss the truth about leadership, the age of anxiety and how the problem with kids today is way different than it used to be. 

We reference a few bon motes from pop culture, so here are some links. Some are NYT articles, some are movies with Ethan Hawke. They are all equally important. 

Prozac Nation Is Now the United States of Xanax by Alex Williams

Reality Bites official trailer

If Sex and the City Came Out in 2017, Miranda Would Be the Protagonist by Harling Ross

Anxy Mag


Episode 17 - Pratyahara and the Meat Body

In this episode we discuss pratyahara, sense withdrawal, and do a little breathing in the dark. In an attempt to discuss the koshas - or 5 layers of being - I describe our human form as an onion, a meat body, and a tootsie pop. Ah, but it’s what’s in the center that makes it all worth while. 

© Yoga For the Revolution 2018